Re-defining Normal
On Re-Defining Normal, we are having conversations to question conventional thinking and talk about the courage it takes to create, and live, a deliciously vibrant life.
This podcast is for people who know there's a better way to do life and love....how we show up in connection to others, our kids, our partner, our business... and beyond that our relationship with money, vitality and more than anything, ourselves.
We're two shamelessly unapologetic moms choosing to experience the fullness of life and we're collapsing the conditioning that says you can't live a life of pleasure, peace and abundance in the midst of the mundane of work, life and kids.
Re-defining Normal
Introduction: What to expect from Redefining Normal
Can shifting your wealth consciousness truly transform your relationships? Join me, Keri Lynn, the Wealth Alchemist, as I unveil my personal journey through the intertwined realms of money and relationships. Together with the insightful Jamy Miranda, founder of the Parenting Paradox and Notorious Sexy Selfies course, we question conventional wisdom and explore the profound impact that financial attitudes have on our personal lives. Discover how recognizing and altering toxic patterns can lead to a life of peace, prosperity, and pleasure.
Parenting is no easy feat, and the roles both parents play are vital, whether they're together or apart. In this episode, Jamie and I share heartfelt stories about our experiences with long-term marriages, the tough choices between unschooling and traditional education, and how our core values like freedom, self-responsibility, and growth have guided our parenting journeys. Through candid discussions about mental health and personal development, we highlight how these elements are essential for effective parenting and enriching our overall well-being.
Venturing into the often taboo subjects of astrology, human design, and gene keys, Jamie and I discuss how these spiritual frameworks can both expand and limit our understanding of ourselves and our relationships. We emphasize the importance of treating these systems as tools for self-discovery and encourage the respect for individuality and differing perspectives. As we wrap up, we invite you to connect with us and share your thoughts, ensuring that our conversation continues to foster authentic connections both online and offline.
Welcome to Redefining Normal. Join us as we question conventional thinking and talk about the courage it takes to create and live a deliciously vibrant life.
Jamy:This podcast is for people who know there's a better way to do life and love how we show up in connection to others our kids, our partners, our business and, beyond that, our relationship with money, vitality and, more than anything, ourselves.
Keri:We're two shamelessly unapologetic moms choosing to experience the fullness of life.
Jamy:And we're collapsing the conditioning that says you can't live a life of pleasure, peace and abundance in the midst of the mundane of life, responsibilities, work and kids.
Keri:Thank you for listening in. Let's do this. So what is redefining normal? Let's get stuck into this, shall we?
Keri:I am Keri Lynn and I call myself the Wealth Alchemist. I really love helping people to shift their relationship with money and wealth. I help you to break through your glass ceilings and the limitations that you have around receiving, holding and growing your wealth and then ultimately creating a life of peace, prosperity and pleasure. I totally believe that I am here to help support, shift the wealth consciousness of this planet, and what really drives me is to look at how we can shift the consciousness and elevate ourselves into a completely new way of thinking, whether it be wealth or any other area of our lives. I tend to look at money and wealth because it's something that a lot of people have stuff around and ultimately it's a doorway into how we can look at our inner worlds and create a new landscape. Whether it's through and money is relationship, so I look at it as a relationship and whether it's through our relationship with money that expands out into other relationships. And what a lot of people always find very interesting about when they come in to work with me is that they come in for money but we end up talking about their relationships and their marriages, their friendships, their coworkers, their colleagues, but ultimately, a lot of people end up it's always layered together money and intimacy. People's intimacy levels always increase or find new ways of being when we start to look at money and wealth as well. It's true, so true right, and it's, I think, actually, jamie, something we do have to have a conversation around on this show 100%.
Keri:So the reason that I do money work personally is because it took me a long time to get to the place to actually own this story, to own my story, and I grew up in a wealthy and successful family. My grandfather was the number one Chevrolet dealer from 1936 to 1986. He sold 1 million cars. The dealership went on all the way till 2008. Crash. So many cars after that. But but but that time of life. You know it's quite amazing when I actually think about that, how phenomenal it was. And they ultimately created a fleet car leasing for way back then and the company has run until a couple of years ago when it was sold for $2 billion.
Keri:And so when I say that I grew up in the experience of money and wealth, I really get it and like a huge internal level many people don't get, and so, instead of hiding the story anymore, I decided to come into the, into the space and really start teaching and holding the point for people to move into creating their dreams and and allowing them to shift out of the stories they had around money and wealth, because a lot of the things that people come to me and share I don't really actually believe to be true.
Keri:But what I will say and what has really become a part of my story and what I share is that money doesn't buy happiness, and a lot of people think that the more that we grow our wealth and the more money you have, the happier that you become, but the truth is that happiness and joy and bliss and love and all these things that we're going to talk about on the show and how we create that, it comes from inside, no matter how much money you have, and so for me, that actually led me to write my fourth book, which is coming out soon Yay, right.
Keri:It ends with me break the chains of conditioning and embrace a life of peace, prosperity and pleasure, and it's the story of how I thought I had a mental health issue, but really I had a toxic relationship problem. So I am now divorced. I have an estranged relationship with my mother. That happened at the same time. I basically divorced my mom and my ex-husband at the same time and my mom and I now currently only really talk when on text, when necessary, and I haven't seen her in it's almost two years, can you believe?
Jamy:it Two years.
Keri:Yeah, so I am the author of that book that's coming, and then I am an author of three other books, including the New Wealth Magnetize Abundance. Hold your Wealth and Leave a Legacy. One other one Save your Assets. The Foundational Framework. I Wish I Knew Before Throwing $100K Down the Drain. That's a really important one, and I have my first one, which is how to use Feng Shui to create business abundance. So I love writing, I love supporting people to write as well, and I have another podcast called the Wealth Alchemist Podcast. It is sitting over there with 94 episodes y'all can go and listen to and geek out on all sorts of money things. I'm a mama of two boys and I love to move my body through dance and gymnastics-based movement, and I am such a chocoholic, that is true. So that's me in a nutshell, I think. I think that covers it all.
Jamy:Not all, it covers a lot of it, but we will you know obviously explore deeper levels as we continue this conversation in the coming episodes.
Jamy:Yes so.
Keri:Jamie, over to you, tell us about you.
Jamy:So, yes, I am co-host to Redefining Normal. I am Jamie Miranda, I'm the founder of the Parenting Paradox and the Notorious Sexy Selfies course and the Notorious Sexy Selfies course, and I find that my work is really being in devotion to supporting the mother that exists at that intersection of like intentional parenting. She like desires a really healthy partnership with whoever you know, her husband or a long-term partner, and then adding to that, the cultivation of her own like prosperity that includes mental and physical health, her spiritual and emotional wellbeing and her own like ecstatic, turned on pleasure in life. So where Carrie's doorway is money and wealth. My work really is and I'll admit, sometimes reluctantly because it feels really vulnerable to talk about and share, but it's in mentoring and teaching around the parenting relationship and the layers of like what that looks like, trying to parent with a partner as well.
Jamy:As well, carrie and I both, I think really bring it all back to relationships. You know it's like we we understand the importance of that space between two people. So it's relationships with our kids, with our partners, with money, with ourselves, with life, with business, whatever you name it. It all kind of centers around relating in general and, like we both said before, as with money, it's all connected. So it's kind of this idea that the way we do one thing is the way we do everything and this doorway around parenting it's really specifically for spiritual entrepreneurs, moms in particular, because that's just the role I hold, I'm the mother, and so it's the way I see things. The lens it's my own lens, but it's like we're on our healing journey and oftentimes a lot of the mothers that I work with kind of had that awakening into their spiritual journey before they became moms.
Jamy:And so there were a lot of relationships that began in an old kind of frequency and old paradigm and old vibration and there really is an initiation and a portal an intense portal, I will add of bringing those relationships into integrity with the new way, with our new way, our new vibration, our new perspectives and the new way that we do things.
Jamy:You know, it's kind of a big cleanup process to bring these close family relationships from old paradigms into the new ones. And honestly I say this a lot that I'm actually really jealous when I see younger new moms who have done a lot of that work before they had kids, younger new moms who have done a lot of that work before they had kids and you know it's like they get to start those relationships in those kind of developmental years from that awareness. And I will say I do want to add that I don't think any parenting journey is just, you know, easy, breezy and like because they've done it that way, it's easier. Every parenting journey, you, you know, has its set of challenges. We're all learning as we go and so I know carrie and I've kind of joked around about you know, like we both, I, you do too, right like I studied education and developmental psychology and in school, yeah, mine was early childhood education, yep.
Jamy:It was definitely not my. You know my what's the word? Qualifications for the work that I do. That really stems from walking the walk, talking the talk, journeying the journey alongside my kids, and I think that there's this awareness that you can't learn how to do parenting from a book, no matter what you read, I mean, it gives you some framework, it gives you some ideas to start from, but I tell my kids often that this version of me, this 46-year-old Jamie, has never parented 13-year-old you in this particular situation. So we are learning alongside each other, with a commitment to stay at the table, to stay in the conversation and to figure this out together. And that's what it all comes back to is like a choice to stay present with what is yeah.
Keri:I think something to add really quickly here that feels relevant as you're talking about this when Jamie and I first met which we actually haven't talked about yet we first met when both of us were in marriages. Jamie's still in her marriage. At that point, when things feel really yuck, like you know and I'm saying this because we're talking to a lot of people who are in the spiritual space, who there's a woman who, generally speaking, their partner don't doesn't always come alongside. It's like you feel like you're dragging a man with you and the woman's going further, faster, learning, educating, growing, all that kind of stuff, and the guy you're like come on, come on, come on. And I'm saying this because it's such a common thing to see right now yeah, and so I think it's really important to just mention here that that's how we met.
Keri:Five, five, can you believe it?
Keri:Five years ago.
Keri:Yeah, and so, as we're sitting here talking about this, like this is where we started, and and I and I mentioned that I'm divorced, now she's not and we've both taken this path to totally reinvent our lives and it looks different for both of us and how it's evolved, but I really want to say cause Jamie's sitting here talking about parenting Like it wasn't always, like.
Keri:She's going to share a lot about her journey around this and it wasn't always this way and both of us could definitely say five years ago the scene looked a lot different. And that's why we're here sharing the story, because we understand what that's like to be in that position and to go like I don't think this can ever work and I don't know if I'm ever going to have the joy and all these things and how am I going to do this and how am I going to navigate all of this stuff. And we're now on the other side of this, on the, on the place where, um, we have so much joy and bliss and pleasure and we've done it differently. And I think it's a really important thing to add in right here. So, as you guys get the framework of where we're coming from when we tell you, when Jamie shares you a little bit more about, like her, her parenting journey and her yeah, Well, cause, even the parenting journey, um, really includes the conversation of partnership as well, you know, because it takes two to make a baby.
Jamy:Uh, it takes two to raise a kid. Oftentimes, you know, like I mean, obviously there's lots of different ways that that can, that, that can look, but whether you're together with your partner or not, there there are, you know. That's like there are two external forces, kind of making choices and raising and or not right, or choosing to be absent from that, but there are still two energetic forces in the creation of this new soul on the planet. And so a lot of my parenting journey really does include the conversation of my relationship with my husband. And yeah, like Carrie said, we were in in in a very similar kind of question of like does this work, Will this work, what do we need to do to make it work? Or to change the definition and the framework of this relationship?
Jamy:Because I found our way together, and, you know, carrie and her ex made different choices, and you know, I mean, I think that's part of the beauty of what we bring to this conversation, though, is such different perspectives and pathways to the same questions, and so, you know, you get a very well-rounded kind of dynamic in this place. I'm the mama to two girls, so Carrie's got two boys, and I'm not a chocoholic.
Keri:Actually, I like fruity, handy Starburst and Skittles, and you know all that nasty stuff I actually really like healthy and I say healthy, quote unquote, but like good quality chocolate, yeah. Yeah, I'm definitely leaning to that too. I'm definitely trying to stay away from the sugar, although I could definitely go that way real quick. Yeah, and you unschooled your kids as well.
Jamy:Yes, yep, so I unschooled them for most of their education. I have an 18 year old and a 13 year old right now. My 13 year old has recently decided to go into the school district and it's been quite an adventure for both of us. I love it. I love watching her thrive in any place that she's at. I've been married for 21 years. Actually, this week, sunday, is our 21st wedding anniversary. I don't know what we're going to do yet, but we'll find something fun and, you know, exciting to do.
Keri:I was married 17. I was married 17 years. We got separated in two years and so it was 19. I mean, I'm actually 19 married, but 17 years together and 19, two years separated, just divorced.
Jamy:That's a lot. Kyle and I actually met each other in high school and I did share this before, but so not a lot of people know that we flirted with each other a lot in high school. Like we were never together in high school, we were just friends, but we flirted a lot. One night stand that went nowhere at the time. It wasn't like a couple of years later and a marriage. So I was married once before, um, married and divorced within a year, um, and we'll get into all of that. Like that's a whole episode on infidelity and cheating and ancestral stuff around that.
Jamy:Um yeah, so I was married once before divorced, ran into him at like a homecoming football game and he asked me out I think that was like in October. We moved in in December, engaged in April, married in July and the rest is history. I just got the chills. I love you. So that's us, and I will tell you my highest values are freedom and self-responsibility, which really go hand in hand, which I think is why they're the top two, and then like growth and self-development, like this desire to continue expanding. So, carrie, expanding. So, kerry, what are your, would you say, your highest values?
Keri:freedom, love, freedom, love and I'd say, sovereignty. Sovereignty is a high value as well. Growth, sovereignty, growth, growth and health. The vitality I'm really lately on a very big journey of how can I, you know, actually even this book, you know it ends with me is my journey out of my mental health stuff. And so for me it's become I mean, it's always.
Keri:I studied massage and integrated body therapies and all sorts of nutrition and all sorts of health things 19 years ago, 20, 20 years ago, 20. Yeah, 20 years ago. That's how he, when I met, was in a massage training. Oh, wow.
Keri:And so it's always been a part of my life and in these last four years it's become more and more and more and more critical because my mental health and I'll say this like I am a huge advocate for mental health advocacy to have more awareness around it, because even as a person who was in this field, coaching, for the last 19 years, like to not understand the depth of the stuff that was going on in my mind. That didn't need to be right, because I had no idea how messed up and I say this with a lot of love for myself how messed up the way that my mind worked and how depressed and anxious I was for so long and how much it affected my ex-husband, how much it affected my kids, how much it affected me. And you know, the journey has been a long, not easy journey out and four years later, five years later, I can definitely say my mental health is a million times better, my vitality is a million times better, my energy levels are better, I'm a far better mother now. Um and so for me, that is a huge, uh, a huge part of my life is really unraveling that and teaching that and helping other people, and that's part of what I was saying earlier.
Keri:Right, that money doesn't buy us happiness. I could tell you that I'm surrounded, I've been surrounded by so much money and so much misery. Yeah right.
Jamy:And I think too this importance of like our physical vessel is important in the spiritual journey, Like a lot of kind of spiritual communities are all about ascension and 5D like leaving the body, Leaving the body, and I think both of us, on our journey, have really recognized the importance of the physical vessel of our bodies, of our 3D self.
Jamy:Right, we're here to be human. We're not here to, like, leave the physical form. We're here to bring all of that into this body and to operate on this planet and on this earth, beat on the ground, like fully here, and that requires taking care of, you know, our nervous system, of our, of all of our systems really, and you know, like, our, our, our bodies are a spiritual gift. So if you're ignoring it or you're trying to leave it, you might be missing the point Totally, your point here.
Keri:That's a whole episode right there too, by the way. It really is, and actually I want to add into, before we move on to this next part of this I want to add in. I said that money doesn't buy happiness, but I also want to say and be very clear that it also can right Money.
Jamy:It can contribute greatly to happiness if you know how to relate to it, if you know how to relate to it.
Keri:Right, I don't want to say it in a way that's like don't have money because it doesn't buy you happiness or you're going to be miserable with money. It's more to the point where it's like, one way or the other, you find your own happiness and your joy. And money can be a really great catalyst and give you so much opportunity to be able to take care of yourself, like if I didn't have the money that I have, I couldn of taken the path that I did to take care of myself, right, um, it's a huge tool.
Jamy:It's a huge tool, exactly so. I just want to be clear yeah, we are definitely never going to tell you not to go get that bag, like get the money that is not what this show is about.
Keri:Okay, so we have the redefining normal podcast. Is us turning on this bat signal, if you will? I also call it like an antenna, right, reaching out lighthouse, right, right. We are calling in all of you cheeky change makers, to connect and to be inspired and feel safe in a beautiful sanctuary of support Absolutely Like.
Jamy:We really want to speak to a dynamic group of curious, free-spirited individuals who thrive on shaking things up and blazing new trails. I guess change makers, we don't just accept the status quo. We question it, we challenge it, we redefine it. And Carrie and I really intentionally do that with kind of a cheeky, playful spirit. We aren't trying to force anything, but to to open to curiosity and to welcome the contemplation of what's possible.
Keri:Uh, we have some really. I mean, we've already recorded a bunch of the shows and I can tell you already that we have some deep and intense conversations that are coming for you and more that I know that we're going to record along the way. That are going to be really, uh, deep and meaningful and get you to think outside of the box, for sure. But we will be giggling and having a good old time, laughing our faces off, and we hope that you laugh with us, um, and joking along the way, because, to me and Jamie, if we can't have fun while we're doing it, what are you doing? Right, it's also really important for us to make room for the paradoxical spectrum of real talk and joyful banter and, beyond that, right, like Jamie and I both believe that as much as we can tell you one thing, we could also be on the same, on the other spectrum at the same time. Right, that one of my healing friends mentors, teachers who I was one of the first people I went to speak to when I was on this overcoming bipolar tendencies journey and I said okay, what are we going to do? How are we going to make this better? Right, how am I going to make this better.
Keri:And she's like Carrie, you're not. I was like what? And she said we are all bipolar, we all live For humans, we all have two polars and what your job is is to learn to live in these polars. And it was one of the most healthy, amazing things a woman could tell me, because it always meant that it was never my job to actually think that I could not be in both ends of the spectrum, because I'm always going to have both ends of the spectrum. It's how do I live within them and have it be safe in my body to go to all ends of the spectrum, why I live within them and have it be safe in my body to go to all ends of the spectrum?
Keri:But it's also in the way that we look at our philosophies in life. Right, like we can live, we can have two, two almost contradictory thought processes at the same time. You know, and in this place that we're going to bring you into, it is like not to say that we're right or wrong, because there is no right or wrong in this moment. This thing might be the right thing. In this moment, this thing might be the right thing, and it's always to come back into that alignment within yourself and allow yourself to live in this huge paradoxical spectrum that we as humans as Jamie was talking about in this 3D reality that we are here to embody, is to embody all of the fullness of ourselves, which means that sometimes they totally clash and don't make any sense together.
Jamy:I think about that with parenting paradox, right, like I tell parents all the time, like you can literally be like I cannot stand my kid right now and I love them more than anything on this planet. And they're true at the same time, and so it's like if you can't let both be true, you try to reject one or the other. But they're both true and innate. You know it's letting it both be true.
Keri:Yes, yes.
Jamy:So here we're going to make things fun and we're going to really flip the script on what transformation looks like in this world for ourselves and for you the bold visionaries, the, you know, like inquisitive disruptors, the freedom revolutionaries, those who, like, refuse to be confined by the status quo, by generational conditioning, by religion or governments or whatever right Like. It's like anything that tells you you should be a certain way. I will add to that we are definitely like woo-woo, spiritual, energetic type people. Like we mentioned before. I think it's important to designate that presence is the opposite of dogma. So any system, whether it's legal or like whatever collective conditioning and tradition, family stuff, it can all get dogmatic right. So even the spiritual kind of realm can get that way.
Jamy:And this is really what I think Carrie and I have been discussing recently is that we have a bit of an aversion to.
Jamy:Is that, like in the spiritual world, it's kind of a new set of rules and dogma that tell us what we're supposed to be and how we're supposed to live or supposed to believe, and we're kind of both. At the point where we're over that dynamic, we're more focused on a commitment to presence and being responsive to life in this moment. Like that's a big part of I think what this podcast is about is stopping to challenge, where we just navigate from reactivity, from some deep like unconscious dogma that this is just the way things work, and really actually bringing full, intentional and present, like curiosity to life and and asking like, like how, how can this be better? Like, how, how am I limiting myself? What do I want to create here? And just really being alive in the moment and this again has to do with their relationship to money, parenting, business, friendship, whatever you name it, going to the fricking grocery store, it doesn't matter being present and responsive to life instead of, like, getting stuck in some autopilot reaction to the way things are happening.
Keri:I think one of the things you just said there, jamie, I want to like really enforce, is that a lot of what we're going to talk about is the fact that, whilst we're going to have all these conversations, remember we're two moms doing life Like we're just two normal women doing life, and the way that we invite you into this world is to look at like life itself can be its own amazing, pleasure filled, joy filled experience. Going to the supermarket can be a pleasure filled, joy filled experience. Right, we're not asking you to go out and have some crazy ass life that you know doesn't seem realistic. It's a very real.
Keri:take the kids to school, do the make, the make the lunch, the lunches, have dinner like it's a very real life, yeah yeah, yeah in that we're going to start to really challenge these dogmatic norms in all the different arenas and, uh, including, like jamie just said, the spiritual communities, the goddess, revolutions, polarity, dynamics. You know, we've been through all of this and it's again these, these paradoxes, of which, yes, it's true, and yes, and yes, and yes and um.
Keri:Also, for example, in the spiritual community, there's a lot of talk about astrology, human design, gene keys, which we freaking love love right depending on how you interact with any of these frameworks, right, um, any of these frameworks that we have in this world can look like a box and a limitation, and can also be expansion, and so there are many ways that we're going to help you to expand through this, but also realize that it's your choice how you want to interact with any of them, and don't let any box be a limitation for your life. Really allow it to be an expansion. Bring any of these ideas that we bring to you. If they're not expanding you, then you know you don't have to take them on.
Jamy:Yeah, true, I love your analogy of like a coat.
Keri:Ah, yes, I always say that when I talk about human design, I'm always like wear it, put it on like a coat. You can always take it off, just try this. And any of these conversations that we have with you, whether it's human design or sexuality or blowjobs or money things, whatever we're going to talk about, because we got it all going on right. Whatever we, whatever we invite you into, we invite you to like, put it on like a coat, like try it on and see if it works. If it doesn't work, you can feel free to take it off and leave it at the door the next time. Right, you can just play with it.
Jamy:Yeah, there is room to disagree here. In fact, carrie and I disagree on a lot of things, I mean like the. The thing we agree on, though, is the respect to leave room for that Right Like we we, we really value the. It's like unique, individuated perspectives. That's what makes life and the world and humanity interesting. It's interesting, you know, that we call this redefining normal, because normal really is kind of an illusion. You know, it's like if you're normal, it means you're conforming to everybody around you and you're not being your authentic, unique essence, and we need more people to be that in the world.
Keri:So yeah, speaking of human design, I think it's important that we mention I'm a manifester. Jamie is a generator. You'll hear this in our experiences. You'll hear this between us. If you actually understand human design, you'll probably actually hear it in the conversations. By the way, jamie fully actually had this all ready for us to go for the intro because her and her like genius of putting things together step by step Thank you, jamie. I bring the, I bring the ideas. Jamie starts to put things together step by step. We work really well together and I think this is part of the fun of playing into some of these experiences is really knowing where people's strengths are and how you can actually show up in a relationship, knowing your strengths and being able to lean into each other's strengths and letting it be the flow that gets to happen because of knowing these types of things.
Jamy:Right, it's been huge, I think, to an untangling conditioning. It's like this is the way I'm supposed to be and then oftentimes people will learn the human design and be like, oh, that's not the way I'm built. So I've been trying to work against my nature to be something according to someone else's expectations and now I have the almost permission and freedom to actually be what I truly feel is innate to me. And, yeah, these systems have like radically redefined and changed the way I parent, the way I relate to my husband, understanding the way he's built.
Jamy:Carrie, you know, it's like when you understand these things again, we use them not as a box. We do not define people by them. We use it as a framework to get curious about what resonates and what works. It's an experiment really. You know. It's like you try things on, you see what works, you see what doesn't and you know even beyond, like the structures themselves, we're all unique beings. It's different for all of us. So, like continuing the analogy of a coat you can put it on and see if it feels good and if you like it. And then you know me with my like, aesthetics and my design and beauty stuff. You can style the same coat lots of different ways. You know, carrie and I will wear an outfit differently, so it's the same with these systems, we're all going to make it our own and it's so important to occupy your own space and your own, knowing your own inner wisdom.
Keri:And your own unique gifts.
Keri:Totally, yeah, great. So this is our introduction to redefining normal and a really general idea of what we are creating here, who we are, what we're bringing to the world. We are creating here, who we are, what we're bringing to the world. Our mischievous nature totally fuels our desire to explore the unknown, break through the boundaries and create a world that resonates with our deepest values of authenticity and innovation. So we will be making, we will have discussions around everything from how to make time and space for a hot sex life, full parenting, to our human design, gene keys, sole purpose work, dating, self-reflection, money. What other things do we talk about? I mean, we have so many amazing conversations We've been just talking about some like breaking free of governmental things that you guys, we are going to go the whole road here. There's not like and to be honest, this is the intro. But, to be honest, if there's anything that you were curious about, that, as you, as we start having these conversations and you're like, I want to know more about that.
Keri:We really invite all of our listeners to be able to communicate. We really want to engage with you guys. So please reach out to us, let us know. Is there a topic that you're like oh my God, this is something that's really in my heart right now and I don't know what to do to move through this, or this is something that I'm really confused about. Or I'm living in these two paradoxes, or I'm stuck, or whatever, and you're looking to get outside your box. Please reach out, let us know, because we really are here to have these taboo conversations, and why we call this. To me, redefining normal is to make these taboo conversations normal, and I can tell you that there's some things that are coming up that I'm like are we really having this conversation, jamie? Oh my God, really we're doing this and I'm like, and she's like isn't that the whole point, carrie, just wait guys, these episodes are Fire.
Keri:There's some fire coming. Yeah, they're juicy, quite literally. So, yeah, so we really are about having these taboo conversations and making them very normal, and so if there's anything for you that feels taboo and you want to hear us talk about it, please do reach out and um and ask us.
Jamy:Yeah, and we will. We'll share a lot of perspectives, ideas, beliefs, like we're gonna. We're gonna bring ourselves to the table, but we will always point you back to yourself. Yeah, so as you're listening, it's like take a minute to consider new possibilities, take what serves you and leave the rest. Like the world really does need more unique and authentic expression and we celebrate all of it. So it's like, together we really want to embrace all of our unique perspectives and celebrate our rebellious spirit, knowing that true project, progress, this, this like expansion and change and evolution, it comes from daring to be different, to not accommodate and just fit into the norm. So we really do invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery, transformation, limitless possibility. Welcome to the tribe of cheeky change makers, where curiosity meets courage and freedom meets fun.
Keri:Yes, thank you so much for listening in supporting us on this big passion project and this soul mission work. We are so excited to bring these fun and deep conversations to all of you and we're really excited to have you listen in and connect with us throughout this next series of conversations that go on for as long as they go on, for Thank you for being here.
Jamy:Thank you. Thank you. See you on the next episode. If you enjoyed this show, let us know. We're all about authentic connections, so come chat with us on social media or email. Links are listed in the show notes.
Keri:And please make sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform and share the magic on your socials.